The Lair

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Vote for the quote ..

Okay, it's that time of the week again.
Time for me to share a quote.

To be honest, if you'd asked me yesterday, you would have definitely had a quote full of happiness and inspiration, but after the day I've had, that would seriously be pushing it.

There are day's, you wake up and think, Yeah.. ain't life grand?
But you also have days, like today, when you wake up and think, or in my case try to think but just can't, so you groan, you try to move, you groan some more, you try to swallow and realize you're throat has died, you groan some more, the coughing starts, will it ever end?, you groan some more and then you realize you're gonna be late for work, and even more groaning follows.

So, I can tell you're wondering, what makes today so much less inspirational than yesterday?
Well let me tell you. After dragging my sorry ass out of bed, trying to swallow some more, notice that bob the builder has moved in overnight and has started construction somewhere between my tongue and my lungs, ( but who the hell cares what he's started?, when's he gonna finish??) I head of to work.
I know, WORK, isn't life just dreadful :)

After 45 minutes of ignoring bob the builder in my troat and all the idiots on the road out there I finally get to work, to discover my colleague is sick and I'll be working alone today.
I think the best cause of action is to bribe one of my clients to get the lunch shopping for me (don't worry, it was a good bribe, seriously good, trust me, I don't feel guilty about this one teensy weensy wee bit, at all I tell you), but somewhere out there, there must be god or some such thing, who does decide that the bribing of clients is out of the question, for only seconds later, whilst helping a client out of his coat I pull my hand back and SMACK (yes, a smack, not a little bump, but a full sized smack) the back of it against a metal table turning thingie... OUCH.. seriously painful, let me tell you.
So, with a hand thumping with pain I try to get a mug out of the cupboard to pour some coffee, but god or some such thing must have decided a thumping hand is not enough of a punishment for bribing clients, so to even the score a bit more, he ( I think this god or some such thingie has to be male) slammes the cupboard door against my head and creates mount everest at the back of it. (clients seemed to think I myself slammed the cupboard against my head? Who would do such a thing to themselves?)

So, to sum it all up, I have one bribed client, one seriously ticked of male god or some such thingie, bob the builder in my throat, a thumping hand and mount everest on my head, which I think is enough reason for a less inspirational quote today!!

Just a wee pic, to show you, the sorry state I'm in. Feel free to call me little miss whoopsydaisy from now on.

Anybody out there wish to disagree?? Please, let me know, and I'll let the male god or some such thingie know where to go after he's finally finished with me. :)

Ah, Finally, the quote for today:
- The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing

Hopefully there is someone out there with a quote a bit more uplifting?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

In the dictionary we find hind'sight explained as: wisdom after the event.
Everybody and I mean Everybody has had this at least one time in their life.
And after hindsight comes regret (or not of course) .
Regret being explained as: to remember with sense of loss or having done amiss: to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction because of..
We find ourselves thinking. If I'd only known what I know now, then I would've, Or I could've, Or I should've. To be honest I think there for hindsight is the start of the torture we put ourselves through..:)
I know, I know, now you want to hear something deep and meaningful about what kinda hindsight has started of my regrets..and what kinda torture I'm putting myself through, but you're outta luck there mate!
For at the moment I have more than enough torture but no hindsight at all, none at all I tell you! This is probably due to me not having any sight at all, at ALL I tell you!
Well, okay, no sight at all might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I think you can tell where this story is headed. Yes, right, all the way to the bloody (mind my language..but I think at this blind moment in time I have some rights to be a bit rude) optician!!!!!!!
Four eyes? Who the hell are you calling four eyes!!

So, thankfully my blindsight can be overcome by wearing a wee brilleke. (no, no..don't worry not all the time), for what would I do without my sight. Luckily that's not one of the bridges I've got to cross at the moment.

But as you may well understand, I have a great Dilemma.
What kind of wee brilleke would leave my tracyness intact?

SO help me out on this one..

a bit of.. Tracy meets secretary?

a bit of.. Tracy goes wild with matching jungle print brilleke?

a bit of .. Tracy meets Jerney from Idols?

As you can see (me not so I don't have a wee brilleke as yet), sometimes sight is more important than hindsight! :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Vote for the Quote

In day to day life you get smacked around the head with various quotes. There are people that use them in every other sentence and people like me..who don't. (well I'm still not one of the smarty pants out there).
Some quote's really hit home and make you think and others do nothing for you....and I mean Nothing!
For me it all depends on what's happening in my life. Am I feeling happy? Yes? Then I'll feel more for positive quote's. Am I feeling down, upset, or just puzzled by life in general, then you'll find a whole different type of quote will appeal to me.

There for I think I'll post a quote every week and see what response I get.
So feel free to share your opinion or to post the quote that happens te mean something to you this week.

For this first time I'll start of with a few to warm up to.

- Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well

- It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning

And I think my favorite today would have to be:

- Je gaat het pas zien, als je het door hebt!
(Isn't this too true?.. People can tell you something over and over.. but you'll not really know it..feel it..or experience it..till you get it!)

- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Think about what you want, not what you fear!

Read any book on success, take advice from successful people, or study your own successes, and you’ll discover that the common denominator is goal setting. In fact, the turning point in millions of lives has been the setting of a compelling goal.

We are all in the natural process of becoming - we are all constantly changing. The only thing that stands between us and the life we truly desire is choosing to become the person who can create it.
The journey begins by mastering how to steer yourself – learning how to lead your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, actions and habits in the direction of your choices. Victory in these inner areas – or mastery of Self – enables you to reach your desires, goals and dreams, and thus influence your external world.
Once you have developed self-leadership from the inside, the outside will follow. The results of your actions are the fruits of your thoughts.

So, all that needs doing is to find this inside leadership thingie, cause I think I'm well on the way with the fruity thought thingie!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm singing in the


For many of you out there, it's nothing new that I crave a good raining on, every now and then.
But what might surprise you, cause it did me, is how cool the lyrics are for singing in the rain..
Is this a feel happy song or what?!

I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above

And you feel happier..and happier...

Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I'll walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Singing, singing in the rain
In the rain.

Now, many of you out there, who know me well, know I have trouble ever catching a drop of rain. Somewhere along the line in life, I seem to have seriously pissed of the rain gods. So it's not often I get caught in the rain. Over the years I've started craving waterfalls as well..just kinda to make up for missing out on the rain every so often.
There for I have dreams, and what better way to share them with you, than a photo.
So, somewhere in the very near future I hope to be standing on the same spot as the person in this photo!!
Cool or what?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I'm going for deep and meaningfull today!


One of life's big questions is: Who are you? No really, think about ik for a minute. (only a dozing of there!)
Who are you, who do you think you are and who would you like to be?

People tend to worry about this question.
Often you look around you and think everyone has it all worked out. You don't realize that it's only a small percentage of people that know the answer and the majority of people who have no idea who they really are. They've never even thought about it.

Let's be honest. You, of all people should definitely know who you are. If you don't, who does?
If you don't define yourself, who will? There are plenty of people willing to, people who might define you, but on their terms and not yours. (their terms usually suck.. big time)
It's all about your hidden're innerself so to speak.

Is it you're name? (NO, and I mean NO..cause my second name is Marijke and if that define's my inner self, I'm up shit creek without a paddle).
Is it you're job or you're role as sister or daughter that define's who you are? (No, and I mean No...cause working nine till five is a way to make a living..but certainly not a way to define wee me).
I think not. These are mere labels and not your true identity.
We all have an outer image and that image plays a major role in our life with others, but it is your inner image, the picture you have about your self, that is central, your true identity so to speak.

Who we are is too important an issue to be left to others.
In fact, it can only be answered by you and no one else. If you are like most people, you will have to admitt that most of your present identitiy is not really your own choice, but has been given to you by friends, family & society in general.
If you are not getting all that you think is possible out of your life, then redefining your innerself in an effective fashion will surely enhance the quality of your life. (More..we want more!)

Your external identity is important. Especially in the day to day world. But your inner identity is far more important. It is the place where you really live.
Most of us have not given thought to what our inner self is really like. Some will have a very negative and demanding inner self, others will have one that is freeing and liberating.
Our inner self is always with us. There is no escaping it, no running of to hide and nowhere except in yourself to find it. It is always there. ( You can run, but you can't hide:)
It is this inner self that you consult and address when you are alone, about to make a decision, when you are worried, creating, or doing. Sometimes this inner self acts as an ally, a friend and sometimes not.

In order to create a clear inner-self picture, permit your imagination to run free..(hmm..maybe not that free..stick with the blog here for a moment longer).
Discard all the labels and roles you have and really try to define yourself, your way. Try, and create an image of you. This image need not be of you as you are, but of you as you'd like to be.
Are we getting there yet??
Try and give the image you create of yourself a name. It might be, adventurous, rambling, caring, open or warm, loving & mellow.
Whatever floats your boat. (yeah I know..all this inner self talk gives you a feeling of airy fairy stuff:)

Hopefully having been able to define your inner self will give you a feeling of calm, purpose and adventure.

Most of this not being my own work of course, but definitely worth thinking about none the less.
And don't forget to be happy.
Is this inner self depressing you?? .... well then it's time for a new one ;)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A tale of unbounded happiness in Hellevoet

This tale starts off at the moment I arrive home after conquering a fiery Hellevoet sized gale force wind & drizzle. (because everyone knows, I drink Pina Colada's ..but never get caught in the rain). And it must be a good 20 meter from the car to the front door..:)

As I enter the house a sense of excitement hangs in the air.
This sense of excitement could be explained by mum racing across the room to inform me (in a very excited high pitched tone) that a wee parcel has arrived.
A wee parcel from India. A wee parcel from Mark in India. A wee parcel from Mark in India for me!!
Ooooehh..a wee parcel (yes, my thoughts exactly) a wee parcel for me, how marvelous is this?!
As you can imagine I get very excited when wee parcels arrive for me..very excited indeed.

Now this isn't just any wee parcel.
This wee parcel is wrapped in cotton..wrapped in cotton I tell you.
Wrapped in cotton with no opening anywhere at all..AT ALL..I tell you.
But a wee parcel is a wee parcel, and definitely needs to be opened.
As I cut the cotton wrapping of, a wee wooden box appears.
Now this isn't just any wee wooden box.
This is a wee wooden box with no opening anywhere at all.. AT ALL.. I tell you.
I know, I know, you're thinking: but a wee wooden box is a wee wooden box and definitely needs to be opened..but I wonder....
Does it need to be opened? For it as no opening anywhere at all..AT ALL.. I tell you.
And as I stand contemplating what bad karma I might bring over myself if I open what very well could be pandora's box, mum grabbes it from my hand and starts shaking it about..rather roughly I might add.
And then.. I am informed (all in the same exicited high pitched tone of course) there is definitely something in the wee wooden box.
A wee wooden box could be pandora's box, but a wee wooden box with something in it is a wee wooden box with something in it and definitely needs to be opened.

But how? you ask yourself..for this wee wooden box with something in it, has no opening anywhere at all..AT ALL.. I tell you.
So for want of anything better..I get out the biggest, most baddest & boldest of kitchen knives and start hacking away.
Karma sharma I think.. it's a wee wooden box, a wee wooden box with something in it..something for me..something I needs..something precious..MY PRECIOUS!
Is this hacking away with the biggest most boldest of kitchen knives getting me anywhere?
No I tell you, and I mean NO!
As Yoda would say: "hard to get open the box is".

After what seems like hours, but were probably minutes I hear a wee snap and open pops the wee wooden box.
A feeling of sheer unbounded happiness soars through me as I discover another wee parcel in the wee wooden box. Gently wrapped inside the wee wooden box is, what can best be described as a wee elephanty buddha thingie. A wee elephanty buddha thingie for me!!
As I later discover, this wee elephanty buddha thingie is called Ganesh. (yes, well we can't all be smarty pants, can we?!)

As mum and I both stare at wee Ganesh, and marvel at how happy a wee cotton wrapped, wooden box with something precious in it can make you feel, I find myself thinking,
Mark's done it again.
He's brightened up my world
