The Lair

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Vote for the Quote

In day to day life you get smacked around the head with various quotes. There are people that use them in every other sentence and people like me..who don't. (well I'm still not one of the smarty pants out there).
Some quote's really hit home and make you think and others do nothing for you....and I mean Nothing!
For me it all depends on what's happening in my life. Am I feeling happy? Yes? Then I'll feel more for positive quote's. Am I feeling down, upset, or just puzzled by life in general, then you'll find a whole different type of quote will appeal to me.

There for I think I'll post a quote every week and see what response I get.
So feel free to share your opinion or to post the quote that happens te mean something to you this week.

For this first time I'll start of with a few to warm up to.

- Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well

- It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning

And I think my favorite today would have to be:

- Je gaat het pas zien, als je het door hebt!
(Isn't this too true?.. People can tell you something over and over.. but you'll not really know it..feel it..or experience it..till you get it!)

- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


  • At 6:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hindsight is always 20-20, baby.

  • At 2:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really like the picture, Tracy!!

    Well put, again...

    My favourite quote/motto would be:

    Let me accept the things I cannot change, have the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

  • At 11:21 pm, Blogger Lazytracy said…

    Well Japie,

    Is it coinsidence or fate? ..but you're the second person today to use that quote.. does sound very true doesn't it?

  • At 1:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "True health is being able to fart without shitting yourself."


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