The Lair

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm singing in the


For many of you out there, it's nothing new that I crave a good raining on, every now and then.
But what might surprise you, cause it did me, is how cool the lyrics are for singing in the rain..
Is this a feel happy song or what?!

I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above

And you feel happier..and happier...

Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I'll walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Singing, singing in the rain
In the rain.

Now, many of you out there, who know me well, know I have trouble ever catching a drop of rain. Somewhere along the line in life, I seem to have seriously pissed of the rain gods. So it's not often I get caught in the rain. Over the years I've started craving waterfalls as well..just kinda to make up for missing out on the rain every so often.
There for I have dreams, and what better way to share them with you, than a photo.
So, somewhere in the very near future I hope to be standing on the same spot as the person in this photo!!
Cool or what?


  • At 9:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    April Rain Song
    Langston Hughes

    Let the rain kiss you.
    Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
    Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

    The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
    The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
    the rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night -
    And I love the rain.

  • At 12:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hear the drizzle on the way
    Like a memory it falls
    Soft and warm continuing
    Tapping on my roof and walls

    And from the shelter of my mind
    Through the window of my eyes
    I gaze beyond the rain-drenched streets
    To England where my heart lies

    My mind's distracted and confused
    My thoughts are many miles away
    They lie with you in your sleep
    And kiss you when you start your day

    And this song I was writing is left undone
    I don't know why I spend my time
    Writing songs I can't believe
    With words that tear and strain to rhyme

    And so you see I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you

    And as I watch the drops of rain
    Weave their weary paths and die
    I know that I am like the rain
    There but for the grace of you go I

    Kathey's song by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel

  • At 5:22 pm, Blogger Lazytracy said…

    If these posts continue, I'll have an apropriate rain song for every occasion, Fantastic!!
    Thanks for the input!


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