The Lair

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I'm going for deep and meaningfull today!


One of life's big questions is: Who are you? No really, think about ik for a minute. (only a dozing of there!)
Who are you, who do you think you are and who would you like to be?

People tend to worry about this question.
Often you look around you and think everyone has it all worked out. You don't realize that it's only a small percentage of people that know the answer and the majority of people who have no idea who they really are. They've never even thought about it.

Let's be honest. You, of all people should definitely know who you are. If you don't, who does?
If you don't define yourself, who will? There are plenty of people willing to, people who might define you, but on their terms and not yours. (their terms usually suck.. big time)
It's all about your hidden're innerself so to speak.

Is it you're name? (NO, and I mean NO..cause my second name is Marijke and if that define's my inner self, I'm up shit creek without a paddle).
Is it you're job or you're role as sister or daughter that define's who you are? (No, and I mean No...cause working nine till five is a way to make a living..but certainly not a way to define wee me).
I think not. These are mere labels and not your true identity.
We all have an outer image and that image plays a major role in our life with others, but it is your inner image, the picture you have about your self, that is central, your true identity so to speak.

Who we are is too important an issue to be left to others.
In fact, it can only be answered by you and no one else. If you are like most people, you will have to admitt that most of your present identitiy is not really your own choice, but has been given to you by friends, family & society in general.
If you are not getting all that you think is possible out of your life, then redefining your innerself in an effective fashion will surely enhance the quality of your life. (More..we want more!)

Your external identity is important. Especially in the day to day world. But your inner identity is far more important. It is the place where you really live.
Most of us have not given thought to what our inner self is really like. Some will have a very negative and demanding inner self, others will have one that is freeing and liberating.
Our inner self is always with us. There is no escaping it, no running of to hide and nowhere except in yourself to find it. It is always there. ( You can run, but you can't hide:)
It is this inner self that you consult and address when you are alone, about to make a decision, when you are worried, creating, or doing. Sometimes this inner self acts as an ally, a friend and sometimes not.

In order to create a clear inner-self picture, permit your imagination to run free..(hmm..maybe not that free..stick with the blog here for a moment longer).
Discard all the labels and roles you have and really try to define yourself, your way. Try, and create an image of you. This image need not be of you as you are, but of you as you'd like to be.
Are we getting there yet??
Try and give the image you create of yourself a name. It might be, adventurous, rambling, caring, open or warm, loving & mellow.
Whatever floats your boat. (yeah I know..all this inner self talk gives you a feeling of airy fairy stuff:)

Hopefully having been able to define your inner self will give you a feeling of calm, purpose and adventure.

Most of this not being my own work of course, but definitely worth thinking about none the less.
And don't forget to be happy.
Is this inner self depressing you?? .... well then it's time for a new one ;)


  • At 10:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very well put.


  • At 7:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think defining who you are will only serve to raise blockades, and stop you from doing things that might yet be enjoyable.

    For example: "I am a feyenoord supporter" might blind me to the fact that Ajax played the best and most enjoyable game of the season.

    So, instead of forming an identity, I find it's more rewarding to be truthful to one's self. And that's very difficult. Admitting your mistakes, enjoying laughing at yourself and trying to express how you really feel about matters.

    And when you are truthful about your good and bad sides; when you accept them and enjoy and/or learn from them, then you will have your identity...without ever having defined it.

    It is, however, easier to be truthful about another than it is to be about yourself.


  • At 2:10 pm, Blogger Lazytracy said…

    Defining yourself..could be seen as, being truthful about your good and bad sides and acccepting them and being happy with what you see..and changing what you don't like.
    I think it won't put up blokkades..but serve you to see your self a lot clearer..and be more content with yourself.


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