The Lair

Saturday, March 25, 2006

In the dictionary we find hind'sight explained as: wisdom after the event.
Everybody and I mean Everybody has had this at least one time in their life.
And after hindsight comes regret (or not of course) .
Regret being explained as: to remember with sense of loss or having done amiss: to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction because of..
We find ourselves thinking. If I'd only known what I know now, then I would've, Or I could've, Or I should've. To be honest I think there for hindsight is the start of the torture we put ourselves through..:)
I know, I know, now you want to hear something deep and meaningful about what kinda hindsight has started of my regrets..and what kinda torture I'm putting myself through, but you're outta luck there mate!
For at the moment I have more than enough torture but no hindsight at all, none at all I tell you! This is probably due to me not having any sight at all, at ALL I tell you!
Well, okay, no sight at all might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I think you can tell where this story is headed. Yes, right, all the way to the bloody (mind my language..but I think at this blind moment in time I have some rights to be a bit rude) optician!!!!!!!
Four eyes? Who the hell are you calling four eyes!!

So, thankfully my blindsight can be overcome by wearing a wee brilleke. (no, no..don't worry not all the time), for what would I do without my sight. Luckily that's not one of the bridges I've got to cross at the moment.

But as you may well understand, I have a great Dilemma.
What kind of wee brilleke would leave my tracyness intact?

SO help me out on this one..

a bit of.. Tracy meets secretary?

a bit of.. Tracy goes wild with matching jungle print brilleke?

a bit of .. Tracy meets Jerney from Idols?

As you can see (me not so I don't have a wee brilleke as yet), sometimes sight is more important than hindsight! :)


  • At 11:09 am, Blogger Nancy said…

    So, when are you, me and digital camera going shopping?? :)

  • At 9:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Geweldige foto' likie WIld Tracy a lot!

  • At 11:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sweet Jesus...


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