The Lair

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Happy Birthday to you

"And Noah he often said to his wife when he sat down to dine,
I don't care where the water goes if it doesn't get into the wine."
- Chesterton-
Happy Birthday Mark, Love Mum

Hope it adds
some special pleasure
To the hours of your day
To know you're being thought of
In the very warmest way...
And when your birthday's over,
Hope that you'll remember, too,
The same warm thoughts as always
Will keep going out to you!

Hope you have a great day. Love, your wee Sis.

Just another few to keep you going:

- "Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened"

- "Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional"

- "You are never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"

- "Don't just count your years, make your years count"

- "Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art"

- "Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live"

- "Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake"


  • At 12:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 8:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, I've found a new poster for bedroom :-)

    Brother birthday congratz to the Hellevoetsluis side posse.

  • At 11:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    - "Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake"

    Heel grappig, need more cake!


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